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0 productos Get to know our company and the production process.

The Company

Viveros Barber is a nursery specialized in the multiplication and propagation of vines, with the designation of Plant Selection Nursery authorized for the production and commercialization of base category and certified category material.

All our plants comply with the specific current European legislation regarding the control and certification of nursery vine plants. All rootstocks we provide are certified material, controlled by our technicians and by technicians from the Plant Certification Section of the Vegetal Health Service of the Generalitat Valenciana on behalf of the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Food.

Three Generations Planting Vines

With over 30 years of experience in vine nurseries, utilizing the most current production techniques and handling vegetal material from official clonal selections, Viveros Barber is able to provide plants with a guarantee of varietal authenticity.

We carry out rigorous quality control in each multiplication process.

Certified graft plants from the finest clonal selections conducted by prestigious official research centers – CIDA, SITA, INCAVI, ENTAV, and INRA – ensuring excellent fruit quality.

Plants on offer

Varietal Purity

We have our own mother vine fields, guaranteeing the varietal purity of all our vine plants.

Plants on offer

Quality Control

We conduct rigorous quality control at every multiplication process. Products of the highest quality.

Plants on offer

Certified Quality

Our plants are certified and comply with the current European regulations.

Vine Graft

Our Grapevine Plants Certified Graft Plant


Well-developed with appropriate vigor and caliper. Pruned to two buds. Paraffin-coated.


Well-formed, uniform, solid graft, manually checked plant by plant.


They have a 40 cm stem length and a caliper ranging from 10-14 mm in diameter.


Well-formed root system, appropriately distributed at the base of the plant. Trimmed to 10-15 cm.

Certified Plant Label

Ready-to-Plant Seedlings

Viveros Barber's plants arrive ready to be planted, requiring no prior operations. The plants we provide are 1-year-old vine plants, suitable for new vineyard plantations.

They are certified graft plants, grafted from selected white, red, wine, or table grape varieties onto an American rootstock resistant to phylloxera and adapted to soil conditions.

The vine plants are bare-rooted, the most practical form for transplanting from our nurseries to their final location: they occupy less space, weigh less, transport more effectively, and retain their freshness perfectly.

The plants are pruned to two buds, paraffin-coated (the red wax should not be removed), and their roots are trimmed.


A Bit of History: Phylloxera and American Vines.

European viticulture was based on the cultivation of Vitis vinifera L species on their own roots. The propagation method for vine plants was through cuttings and direct planting, involving planting direct vine shoots of the desired Vitis vinifera variety.

By the late 19th century, with the arrival of phylloxera from America to Europe, this traditional viticulture was progressively fading. Within a few years, phylloxera devastated the European vineyards.

Phylloxera was an insect that attacked all species of Vitis vinifera. A solution was needed as the traditional direct planting method was ineffective.

The solution came from where the plague originated: "America." In 1869, at the Beaune World Viticultural Congress in France, some American vines were presented that appeared to be resistant to phylloxera. Researchers such as Couderc, Millardet and Grasset, Richter, Castell, Paulsen, Teleki, and others immediately began studying this issue. Many of the current rootstocks are named after these researchers.

By crossing American varieties with each other, or with the remaining European varieties, "American vines" or phylloxera-resistant vine rootstocks were obtained, such as Vitis rupestris, Vitis riparia, Vitis berlandieri, and more.

Some of the most commonly used rootstocks or American vines to this day include Richter 110, 161-49 Couderc, 41-B Millardet and Grasset, 1003 Paulsen.
The solution was to use American rootstocks (American vines) onto which the desired Vitis vinifera variety could be grafted.

The Origin of Vine Nurseries. American Vines.

The vine nursery sector owes its existence to phylloxera, that little pest that devastated European vineyards.

The first vine nurseries (late 19th to early 20th century) emerged from the need for rapid propagation of these phylloxera-resistant American vines or Barbados vines.

The Valencia region had the necessary conditions for the development of American vine nurseries, including a good climate, water availability, fertile floodplain lands, and hardworking people.

Viveros Barber in the History of Spanish Viticulture

The town of Aielo de Malferit, located in the south of the Valencia province, is the location where Viveros Barber operates.

Vine nurseries were introduced in Spain in the second half of the 19th century. Although the first vineyards in our country date back to 1100 B.C., it wasn't until the appearance of phylloxera and the need to graft European varieties onto American rootstocks that vine nurseries like ours emerged.

Viveros Barber began its journey in the early 20th century, and it was in the mid-20th century that it became a leading company in the sector, both in Spain and internationally.

Our efforts are focused on offering vine growers the best plants and service, following the tradition of hard work and dedication that characterizes our region.

+ 30 Years of Experience
+ 10,000 Satisfied Customers
+ 120,000 Orders Placed
+ 3,150,000 Vine Plants Sold

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